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List of Papers


Shaoping Bai, K.H. Low, and T.Zielinska, Quadruped Free Gait Generation for Straight-Line and Circular Trajectories [pdf format], Advanced Robotics (to be published).

Shaoping Bai, K. H. Low, Gerald Seet, and T. Zielinska, A new free gait generation for quadrupeds based on primary/secondary gait [pdf format]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.1371--1376, Detroit, USA, 1999.

Shaoping Bai, K.H. Low, and T.Zielinska. Design of walking machine with a flexible reachable area [pdf format]. Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machine and Mechanisms, pp.1176-1181, Oulu, Finland, 1999.

Shaoping Bai, K.H. Low, and T.Zielinska. Quadruped free gait generation based on the primary/secondary gait [pdf format],  Robotica , pp.405--412, 1999.

Shaoping Bai, K.H. Low, and T.Zielinska. Quadruped free gait generation combined with body trajectory planning [pdf format]. IEEE First Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, pp. 165--170, Kiekrz, Poland, 1999.

Shaoping Bai, Debao Zhou, K.~H. Low, Gerald Seet, and T.~Zielinska, Simulation of hexapod kinematics dedicated to modelling of machine movement [pdf format]. Fifth International Conference on Control, Automation Robotics and Vision, pages 514--518, Singapore, 1998.

Jinsong Wang and Shaoping Bai, Experiment study on the characteristics of SMA spring used as an actutor in micro electromechanism system, Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Chinese), Vol, 30, No. 5, 1994.

Shaoping Bai, Jingsong Wang and Bopeng Zhang, The principle and implementation of worming robot, Robot (Chinese), No. 4, 1994.

Shaoping Bai, Jingsong Wang and Bopeng Zhang, Study in the moving mode of micro/miniature robots, Robot (Chinese), May 1993.

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